This was officially my last photo shoot in Austin... kind of bittersweet. I'm glad I got to take pictures of my dear friend Haley and her beautiful family once more but sad I won't be there to do so in the (near) future. It was a beautiful morning, we got really lucky with the weather! One day later we would have been fried out there, I think we managed to meet on the last warm (not hot!) day. 8am and 84F with a slight breeze and blue skies - really can't complain :-)
The day is almost here... my last photo shoot for a long time (or ever?) in Austin will be this Saturday morning. I'm sad because I feel I now know lot of great places and not only that but also at what exact time the light will be great where. It will be a lot of work achieving the same thing in Washington. Even though I guess due to all the rain up there it will mostly be a matter of luck doing outdoor pictures. So I have decided to start offering studio pictures as well. I have taken classes here in Austin over the last few months and I'm definitely feeling ready to go! Now we only have to find a house that offers a nice little studio space, maybe a den.
I also wanted to thank everyone here in Austin for letting me take their pictures and I truly hope we'll be back here in a few years so I can take pictures of all those babies on their first day of school! Time will fly! :-)
Inspired by my friend Ruth, who is not exactly a fan of Facebook, I have decided to start a blog for news and session previews. I will probably still put the blog postings on Facebook but this way everyone will be able to access their previews without having to get an account there.
So Ruth, here's your extended preview, I hope you like the pics (and the blog!)